If you are trying get pregnant with a baby boy, did you know there are several natural ways you can use at home in order to accomplish this goal?
These methods can help you boost your chances of getting pregnant with a baby boy to more than 94%, without having to visit an expensive gender selection clinic.
These methods can help you boost your chances of getting pregnant with a baby boy to more than 94%, without having to visit an expensive gender selection clinic.
But, first you need to understand some simple facts about conception.
Half of the sperm carries X chromosomes which produce girls and the other half Y chromosomes (for boys).
The sperm that carries the Y chromosomes is smaller and faster, but doesn't survive for as long as the one that carries the X chromosomes.
Ok, here are some methods to greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant with a boy:
The timing of intercourse: Due to the fact that the sperm that carries the Y chromosome is very fragile and has a short lifespan, it's very important to have intercourse at the time of ovulation. If you have intercourse 1-2 days before ovulation, the Y spermatozoa may not survive and you will conceive a girl rather than a boy. For this reason, it's very important to use an ovulation kit to determine the exact day you will ovulate.
If it's too acidic you should try to lower your PH by eating more potatoes, mushrooms, peas, lentils and drinking fruit juices and mineral water. What is more, you should try to increase your intake of sodium and potassium so try eating more bananas, apricots, oranges and salty food etc.
Besides nutrition another way you can use to lower your body's acidity is to douche with a solution (such as baking soda and water) that can help you alkalize your body. Remember, because of health concerns douching should only be practiced under your doctors care.
The Sexual Positions: you need to use sexual positions that help the sperm get to the egg as fast as possible. Avoid the missionary position because this way you will be more likely to conceive a girl. Select a position where the man is behind the woman. The man should seek deep penetration at the time of ejaculation.
There are many more secrets that can help you have a son, but they can't all be put into a few paragraphs.
The Sexual Positions: you need to use sexual positions that help the sperm get to the egg as fast as possible. Avoid the missionary position because this way you will be more likely to conceive a girl. Select a position where the man is behind the woman. The man should seek deep penetration at the time of ejaculation.
There are many more secrets that can help you have a son, but they can't all be put into a few paragraphs.
The best way to use to almost ensure success is to follow a guide that can provide you with all the important details about getting pregnant with a son.