
How To Know If You Are Pregnant

There are many indicators to help determine if you are pregnant. Most likely, you will only exhibit some of these signs. Everyone is different and even the same mother can experience different symptoms during different pregnancies. These indicators begin right after a woman becomes pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy commonly begin when the fertilized egg implants, about 10 days after ovulation. Sometimes, although rarely, women begin showing signs of pregnancy sooner than this. Progesterone (a hormone) levels rise in the body after implantation. A common sign of pregnancy is increase temperature during the 15 days following ovulation, but some women report a decrease in temperature during this time. Bleeding after implantation can be red, pink, or even brown in color. Cramps in the lower abdomen are also common.

After the initial signs, the best indication of pregnancy is a pregnancy test. It is recommended that potential mothers wait at least 14 days after ovulation before taking a test in order to improve accuracy. Blood tests done by your doctor are the most accurate and sensitive, but home pregnancy tests are usually also reliable. If a home pregnancy test repeatedly shows negative while you experience other symptoms of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor and arrange for a blood test.

A missed period is a major indicator of pregnancy. If a women does not have her period for 15 days after ovulation, this is a sign that she is pregnant. Another early sign of pregnancy is the frequent urge to urinate. Frequently waking up to use the bathroom or going often during the day are indications that you may be pregnant.

As soon as two weeks after conceiving, a mother may begin experiencing morning sickness. While it is called morning sickness, this condition can cause vomiting and upset stomach all day long. During the first trimester morning sickness is usually at its worst and usually continues to get better during the second and third trimesters, often going away completely.

Tenderness in a women's breasts can begin within 4 weeks of conception. While breast tenderness is also associated with a coming period, it is often much worse when it is caused by pregnancy. Women might also experience a little tingling feeling in the breasts. The areolas become larger and darker with pregnancy as well.

Early on during pregnancy, women often suffer from excessive fatigue. Complete exhaustion from a regular day is a good sign that a woman is pregnant. Changes in hormone balance can also cause aches in both head and back, mood swings, bloating, constipation, indigestion, diarrhea, heartburn and cramps.

Cravings for food is very common during pregnancy, but some women experience a heightened sense of smell that can lead to them avoiding certain types of food.

After 16 weeks, women can begin to feel their baby moving inside of them. However, new mothers often don't notice this until around 20 weeks after becoming pregnant.

Although these are all good indicators of pregnancy, it is possible to experience them without actually being pregnant. If you think you might be pregnant, act as if you are and seek a doctor's care as soon as you can. If you miss your period, take a home pregnancy test. If the test shows positive, then you are most likely pregnant.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Pregnancy

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