Most people know that if you are willing to pay big bucks for a gender selection clinic, you can get the boy baby that you want. But, many people can't afford the thousands of dollars for these artificial procedures that take the fun out of the process anyway. Luckily, there are many natural ways and things that you can do at home (and very inexpensively) to get the blue nursery, sports buddy, and son that you really want. This article will discuss natural, non invasive ways and methods that will greatly increase your chances of conceiving a boy.
Understanding The Sperm Chromosomes That Produce A Male Baby: One important thing to understand in natural gender selection is that the sperm chromosomes that will produce either a girl baby (X) and a boy baby (Y) are vastly different.
The girl sperm is slower and very strong / long lasting, while the boy sperm is very fast but also very quick to die off, especially in a harsh vaginal environment. If you want to have a son though, you can take advantage of these attributes, by doing the following:
Schedule Conception At The Time That Will Favor A Baby Boy: Since the boy sperm die off quickly, you need to conceive on the day of or immediately after ovulation (when the egg can be fertilized.) If you conceive before this, you would increase your chances of having a girl because the girl sperm can easily ride out this wait, while the boy sperm can not.
Granted, this takes a lot of days in your "fertility window" off of the table, but if you want to choose your baby's sex, you need to time your conception with your ovulation with precise accuracy.
To do this, you need to know exactly when you ovulate. There are a couple of ways to do this. Many natural methods though (basal temperate and cervical mucus) leave a lot of room for error and misinterpretation. If these work for you, you're very lucky because they are hit or miss with many.
I much prefer ovulation predictor kits as they will pretty much give you a definitive yes or no answer. Of those, I much prefer saliva ovulation predictors because they are cheap, reusable, and very accurate (so much so that saliva is used for DNA testing.)
Use The Sexual Positions That Will Be More Likely To Produce A Son: Since the boy sperm are weaker and more volatile, it makes sense to use intercourse positions that will make their trip to the egg as fast and was easy as possible. A very effective way to do this is to use positions that use deep penetration so that the sperm is placed as close to the cervix and the egg as is possible.
Lower And Neutralize A Hostile, Acidic Environment And High PH: Other than miscalculating your ovulation, subjecting boy sperm to a highly acidic vaginal canal is probably the biggest mistake that couples trying for a boy make. The sperm that produce a son are very short lived, so you don't need to make this any worse by subjecting them to an environment that will make it that much harder.
One way to start the neutralizing process is to first test your acidity / PH so that you know where you fall and what you have to work with (and also how long this will take.) You can get vaginal PH testing strips online or at a health food store.
Once you know your number, you can then lower your PH in a few ways. The first is through foods and a special diet which will avoid acidic foods and will be heavy on alkaline foods. The foods you need to eat will be very specific, based on how naturally acidic you are, but it will be worth it in the end.
The other way to lower acidity is by douching with solutions based on your testing strips results.
A combination of both of these methods will get the results more quickly, but you can accomplish this with just food if you are opposed to douching. However, you will have to be diligent about your diet and getting alkaline may take a bit longer using only foods.
You can test how you are doing and how close you are getting to the "boy zone" by continuing to test your PH every few days. This way, you'll know precisely when you are ready (and when is the best time) to conceive your son.
I've put together a website that takes a lot of the guess work out of conceiving a boy. You'll find step by step instructions, resources for the food lists, specialty douche recipes, saliva ovulation predictors, and PH testing strips discussed in this article. Have a look if you like at Article Source: |