Charles Dickens-1850
Be sure to read to the end of this article...I have some free gifts for you!
Do you want to know how to add a little baby boy to your family? Do you have girls and want a baby boy? I have two boys (whom I love dearly) and boys can be so easy to raise (not that girls are that hard really, I have a girl too (and I love her equally as dearly.) There's just something about boys, you know-you get to take them fishing, or play catch in the backyard, not to mention carrying on the family name! So, can you choose to have a baby boy? Is it possible to influence the gender of your next baby?
You may be surprised to know that not only is it possible, but you can raise the chance of having a baby boy from about 50/50 to over 94%!
If you are serious about choosing the gender of your next baby, invest the price of a night out for a pizza, and give yourself the best chance to be successful? The only other real alternative would be a fertility clinic and the price can be astronomical and remember, you get no guarantees!
Dr. Shettles Method for Conceiving a Baby Boy
Dr. Landrum B. Shettles is one of the most influential fertility experts of recent times, and devised a simple three step method of choosing the gender of your baby. This three step method is based on the premise that the (x) girl producing sperm, and the (y) boy producing sperm have different characteristics, and that by creating the right reproductive environment you will be able influence which sperm will be successful in fertilizing the egg thus producing a baby of the gender of your choice.
The (y) or Boy Sperm
Are said to be smaller but the faster swimmers of the two.
They are shorter lived and more fragile though.
The (x) or Girl Sperm
Is the slower swimmers of the two.
They are much hardier and longer lived of the two.
Even though you will find skeptics, the Shettles method of baby gender prediction has helped thousands of couples be successful in influencing the gender of their baby, and have the baby boy they wanted! After all, if you are serious about gender selection what's your alternative, pay thousands to some fertility clinic with no guarantee of success? No, the Shettles method of gender selection is simple, inexpensive, and gives you the ability to increase your chance of conceiving a baby boy from about 50/50 to over 94%. You can learn how to have a baby boy!
Dr. Shettles Simple Three Step Method to Conceive a Baby Boy
- Time intercourse as close to ovulation as possible. This gives the faster swimming (boy) sperm the best chance of fertilizing the egg, thus producing a boy baby.
- Have sex in positions that allow for deep penetration (doggie style, woman on top) as this can deposit the sperm as close to the egg as possible, giving the short lived, fast swimming, (boy) sperm an advantage.
- Try to control the ph (acidity) of the reproductive environment, to help the (boy) sperm survive long enough to successfully fertilize the egg.
If your serious, and really want learn how to have a baby boy, spend the money, follow the steps diligently, and you can have that little boy to complete your family!
Here are your eBooks...Now take control of your future!
My First Choice:
Rebecca Washburn's Pick Your Baby's Gender is the result of hundreds of hours researching the gender selection methods out there, and keeping only those that have solid scientific backing, and have proven to work! Rebecca wanted badly to have a little baby boy to complete her family (she had two beautiful little girls already) and by utilizing these techniques, she was successful in adding that little boy she so desperately wanted.
My Second Choice:
How To Conceive The Gender Of Your Choice is an ebook written by Ashly Spencer, as a result of her obsession to conceive a baby girl. She looked into all the gender selection information available and condensed it into three easy to follow, all natural, steps. Over 12,000 couples have followed these steps and 94% have been successful in choosing the gender of their baby!
My Third Choice:
The Ultimate Guide To Baby Gender Selection guarantees a 98% success rate in choosing the gender of your next baby! Why settle for a 50/50 chance of having a baby boy? There are many valuable bonuses offered with this ebook, heck, for the price of a dinner out you can be taking advantage of all this information within the hour!
Buy any of the eBooks above and I'll send you three more information packed eBooks absolutely free!
1. Baby Safety Tips Use these tips to help ensure your new baby is safe at home and away!
2. Advice For Parents Of Newborn Babies Having a baby comes with responsibilities, make sure you know how to care for your baby properly.
3. Raising Children Who Succeed Raise responsible, caring, children who are meant to succeed.
To get your free eBooks, just send me an email with your receipt # (from ClickBank) and 'I want my free eBooks' in the subject line to:55jerry[at]urbabygenderpredictor[dot]com. I'll send you the download links in an email immediately.
While trying to choose to have a boy is fine, even more important is having a loved, healthy baby no matter which gender it is! A baby is a gift from God, and I think, the one most important thing we do on this earth!
Good luck in your quest, and I truly hope you have a strong, healthy baby of the gender of your choosing.
Oh, and here is your free eBook just for taking the time to visit my site ;o) The Baby Care Book...Absolutely Everything You Need To Know In Your Baby's First Year. Just right-click and choose 'save as' to download.